Thursday, 12 December 2013

after effect lessons

This video has 5 of the same girl dancing with a moving background.

To do this I added a background to the girl otherwise she would have white background.
I also copied the girl 4 times so it makes 5 dancers i added effects that move left to right and move to the flow to the music and i also added text.

In this Project i lent to use shadow effect that made the Columns so give off a realistic idea for this photo.  I also Improved my text skills my making text move. I also adjusted the time range of the text animation by using the key frames.

In this lesson i created and animated a car moving to do this I added key frames to car. The background moves as well. The text moves zooms in till it get to the middle of the screen and the car and more tex move around that text. To make the car and text move I used the tracking tool and key frames.

Lesson 4

In this lesson i made a man walk and fall over a banana i did this by using the puppet tool to colour/shade in the areas i want to move, the ones i din't and separate the arms  and legs from the body so it can move like a human. i then used key frames to make him move and fall over the banana.

Lesson 5

In this lesson we used Photoshop. we lent how to use the tools and what the tools do. How to customise the work space and edit and image of a child playing. we needed to bring some life to the image by using the colour correction tools and we needed to get rid of background so we replaced it with other parts from the same image.

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