Thursday, 29 May 2014


Ive had 3 idea for my FMP

1. Come Die With Me

Come Die With Me is a parody of Come Dine With Me in which 5 horror characters do Come Dine With Me. It will have 5 episodes 1 for each person. it will not have a script and all be improv as it is with come dine with me. This will be a comedy with a bit of cooking when come dine with me is cooking with a hint of comedy.

2. The League

The league is a action short film in which a League of assassins with demonic powers fight each other to be the head of the organization and fighting for their own survival when templars want to destroy them. This will be a short film about 15mins long.

3. Battle of the garden

Battle of the garden is a black comedy action in which a kid is playing with army men having a battle in the garden. This will keep cutting with the imagination of the kid who playing with these toys. This will be a short film 10mins long.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

the video and evaluation

The Brief was to make a advert for a local youth group so they can put the video on their webpage. We came up with this idea after having a meeting with Justin ( captain of boys and girls brigade), as they don't need a training video as its all volunteer work as you don't need any training to do any of this work. Me and Michael worked well as a team. Michael did most of the filming and editing. When i went out and got the client and did all the direct talking to him. I let Michael do most of the filming and editing as he don't really do it before till then as he was always an actor so i wanted to see if he could do but with my help. We did finish it to the time scale for the client as he wanted to by the 24/06/14 however we don't complete it to the scale for the college which was early this year. We had to filming it at night time as that was the time groups started and ended on friday and tuesday. This was in issue as we had to film out side one of theses nights. Cost wise it was fine as it was in south church which is the next stop from southend central so the price for a train ticket was the same for both stations.  Legal issue was a problem as 3 of the kids could not be filmed for reasons. so we had to try not to film them or if we did we will have to edit them out. The finished product was good overall I though it showed of the youth group as what it is ( a fun place to be). I like the fact that the outside shots where in it as i thought it might be a bit to dark to see whats going on. The only thing i don't like was the fact that the writing was hard to read due to its colour blended into the background to much and their was no logo of the youth group in the video.  We got good feedback over from the client he thought it looked good but he don't like the fact their was no logo in it. The video is not on Facebook so we got no feed back from that and on youtube its got too little view and no comments so no feedback their. Overall i like the finished video as it looks good, we got free music and the kids we can't film were not in the video. however it does need the logo and readable text before it the client will be really happy with it.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

fmp video


(Score board 1) Talk about how Hannibal is the 1st person to cook this week, after him its Mr zombie, then dracula and the last one this week is jason.

Then mention that hannibal still does not know what he cooking but he out looking for food.

Talk about you seeing a food in the background and the menu and that theirs lots of surprises. 

Mention that he does not now where his pans are.

talk about how he just got ready in time for his first guest, then say oh the next one has arrived. and finily the last on has come.

talk about how good the food looks( sarcastic )

mention  the starter again and that the menu is on our website.

say that the starter went down well and lets see if the main goes well and that recipe is on the web site.

Then talk about that went well and lets see if dessert goes down well also on the website.

then say its time for the classic game of Operation.

last thing talk about how hannibal got a perfit score of 30 and can mr zombie also get a perfit score.

add, more talking and reword any line you may wish. also be sarcastic for most of the lines 

Friday, 16 May 2014

sound work sheet

The film 300 rise of an empire has surround sound used in the film to help match its 3D visual effects.
In imax cinemas theirs 8 speakers to other cinemas 5.1 speakers. These speakers help give the audience the feel of the movie by using sound alone. The picture below shows how the sound effects the audience.  In a standard cinema the middle is the best point for the sound. but for the Imax the whole cinema gets the sound and this makes the audience get more involved with the film.  Imax cinemas are also pitch perfect so that the audience doesn't hear sound effects over voices and so foley is the right pitch of the right parts for the film. - Saving Private Ryan - scene

sounds break down of the scene first 4 mins

0-38 seconds- waves calm, waves rough, wind, harmonics, boat engine, holding the drink canter, drinking.

38-1 min- person throwing up, spitting, men talking

1 min- 1:30- foot steps, Rockets firing and explosions, coughing,

1:30- 2 mins- engines cutting out, picking up chain, kissing the cross,whistle, metal wheel spinning, bullets firing, people being hit by bullets, bullets hitting metal, bodies hitting the floor.

2 mins-2:30- people jumping into water, underwater, bullets in the water
2:30-3 mins- sound of water, person pulling strap underwater, running through water,

3-4 mins no new sounds

Sounds film live

Waves calm- This is because the sounds would be been easy to get on the day, You can also hear the next waves coming in to the shore as the last one is heading back to the sea, the work need to be done to get this sound just right would of been a lot of work to get the same effect as filming it on the day.

Talking- The talking and shouting scenes would of been done on the day as it is when you have all the actors at the same place. How ever they might of ADR some of the background sound on 2:30-3 mins.

foot steps- foot steps would of been added filmed on the day but might of added foley to them later.


Holding drink- the clink sound from picking up metal would of been done foley.

picking up chain- the way the metal chain would hit it self( metal hitting metal) would be foley.

people being hit by bullets, bullets hitting metal, bodies hitting the floor- these would all so be done by foley they would all be done similar but with 1-2 differences to them( material or way you used the object).


Their is a light charming sound for 1-3 seconds that is a different sound than the boat engines but with out it the boat engines would sound wrong.


All the other sounds would added this way.


Time lock
sound design
sound editing
spotting highlighting where sound need to be
time code
editors cut
story tell due to soundtrack
processing/removing sound
technical delivery
summarise process
ambience- soundscapes
live music

presentation slides


1 day before I start filming 4 out of 5 actors cant make the shoot and I can only get 1 replacement to help me with this.  Due to this issue I'm going to have to rethink my idea and write a script to it so I can still film tomorrow.  - 16/05/2014

On the day of filming I managed to get another actor and if I act that will be 4 actors so I will remove one of the characters. -17/05/2014

Friday, 9 May 2014

shooting and editting

Ill me filming Come Die With Me on the 17th of May which is after the deadline. This is due to actors working and not all being free on the same date before.

Ill start film in morning 10-11 am ill start with shooting Hannibal playing his meal for later and cooking the meal.

The meal will start at 6 pm and ill film everyone then for a few hours.  This consist of the meal, voting and people's options menu.

on the 18th and 19th ill edit the footage with final cut , add sound and effect on the 23rd to 25th with after effects and soundtrack pro.

script viral advert

Opens with the Canadian flag 

Voice over
We interrupt this important message to give you…

Flag goes away and shows Terrance and Philip with a spinning Canadian flag in the background

… Me Phillip

and me Terrance

God damn it ugly bob

You made the flag spin

Now Scott The Dick will want to kill us

*Terrance Farts* His body moves to Philip

Terrance and Phillip 

I farted Philip

i know Terrance

cuts to the show poster with comedy central logo on it.

Voice over 
With Out My Anus coming soon to Comedy Central.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Viral advert proposal

My Advert idea is on Terrace and Philip from South Park and their  spin off TV show  "With Out My Anus".  The advert has Terrace and Philip talking with the Canadian spinning in the background and Terrace farting. Terrace and Philip are the mean charters of the show and their Canadian thats why they are there and same for the flag.  They fart as thats what Terrance and Philip do fart and laugh about it all the time. These three elements show you what will be in the show.

I'll make this advert using after effects, final cut, sound track pro and photoshop.

I'll make Terrance and Philip in Photoshop so I can have them as different layers and i needed this to keyframe them to different positions other wise it won't work. I'll Need to keyframe them to different positions and after effects is the best software for this. Sound track pro will be used to match the sound to the advert and final cut will be used to add the sound to the video and to add voices to Terrance and Philip.

I don't have spend any money for this advert as i have all the software at home or college but if I don't have college to help me then ill need to spend £100+ on the software.

As this is an advert for a made up show it won't ever get paid for it .

Friday, 2 May 2014

Case study

Lossless- recreates the original file and compresses it. 
Lossy- takes aways un-need information to make it smaller.

MPG- (Moving picture group) is a file type often used for movies that are on the internet.
MP4- is a compression of audio and video often used for the internet.
MOV- muti-media format used for saving movies.  made by apple computer.
AVI- (audio video interleave) made by microsoft and is used for videos on windows products.
WMV-(windows media video) used my windows products to add the file to the internet.
FLV- to send videos over the internet using adobe flash player.
SWF- Shockwave flash extension it used for small videos to go the the internet.
3GP- is used to steam audio and videos.
ASF-  audio files used for video games. Used in Super monkey Ball Deluex

Resolution- How the video quality is on the X and Y
Data rate- how quickly the image data is transferred between different sources.
Frame rate- the number of frames pre second on a screen.
Keyframe rate- A drawing that defines the starting and ending point on smooth transition. 

4:3-Traditional television & computer monitor standard
16:9- HD video std.; U.S. digital broadcast TV std

Flash Player- is used to want most videos on the internet.
QuickTime-is a multiplayer player for sound ,video and more. its used by mac and windows and can be made in media editing software like final cut.
Windows Media Player- is made by Microsoft and is used to play audio videos and viewing images on personal computers.

RealMedia- is used to stream audio and video over the internetI its extension is ".rm"

Trailer is available on youtube. This trailer for Edge of Tomorrow is a Progressive which means that it 
drawing one complete uninterrupted image. in over words each frame is a complete picture, and that allows very clear freezes. 

The trailer is 1080p which is HD, lossy as they want to make it as small as possible. Youtube videos use flash player. The trailer can also be watched on the smart phones using the youtube app this will make the trailer lower quality on the phone. It  is still using the  lossy and flash player format  same as the PC.

Trailers are also able to watch on iTunes  the trailer Drones can be watched in full HD and can be also downloaded for the iPhone. The full Hd version can be watched in 1920x1080(HD)  in a lossless.Mp4 format. The iPhone can be viewed at 720X576 (HD). The iPhone version is also Lossless. Mp4  format. To watch the trailer on the desktop site or phone you will need to have Quicktime downloaded and installed on the devises.

Steam has trailers for video games. The new game Dreadout can be watched on steam using flash player and are in HD. The trailer is also Lossy to make the video load quickly. Quality of the video information can't be found all i know is they are HD.

The new godzilla out trailer can be viewed on the site Trailer addict and be watched in full HD or non HD ,lossy Flash player.  This video can be watched on the iPhone as but quicktime will need to be on the phone to view it though.

Game trailers can be watched on Game the trailer for Tropico 5 is what I've pick from their list. the video can be watched in HD on flash player. the video is also lossless.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Research on CDWM

Research on Similar projects

Come Dine With Me is a channel 4 show in which 4-5 people are trying to win £1000 by hosting the best dinner party. Come dine with me started in January 2005 and is still on going. Dave  Lamb gives off a comical element with his narration. Their is 31 series for come dine with me. Come dine with me is shown is 24 countries world wide including south Africa , Russia and Iran and India.  Series 26  ep 25 was a Celebrity horror special With Sally Morgan(Psychic), Robert Englund (Freddy Kureger) , Alex Reid (fighter) and Nicola McLean (model). I mention this as it has a similar title idea on my Come die with me  idea but i think the people in it apart from Robert Englund were not to do with the subject.

I found a similar idea parody to my Come Die With Me its called Big brother house of horrors by Robot Chicken . Robot Chicken make parodies on film and Tv shows like Friday the 13, Star wars and DC Comics.  Big Brother House of Horrors is similar to my idea of Come Die With Me as it also has famous horror characters in a TV reality show.

Laws for parody

The law in the UK is clear about parodies your not aloud to make them unless you have permission to use the copyrighted material. I don't have the right to use the material for Come Die With Me but ill be making this for college reasons and won't be putting this on youtube or Facebook so I won't have to worry about these laws.