Thursday, 22 May 2014

the video and evaluation

The Brief was to make a advert for a local youth group so they can put the video on their webpage. We came up with this idea after having a meeting with Justin ( captain of boys and girls brigade), as they don't need a training video as its all volunteer work as you don't need any training to do any of this work. Me and Michael worked well as a team. Michael did most of the filming and editing. When i went out and got the client and did all the direct talking to him. I let Michael do most of the filming and editing as he don't really do it before till then as he was always an actor so i wanted to see if he could do but with my help. We did finish it to the time scale for the client as he wanted to by the 24/06/14 however we don't complete it to the scale for the college which was early this year. We had to filming it at night time as that was the time groups started and ended on friday and tuesday. This was in issue as we had to film out side one of theses nights. Cost wise it was fine as it was in south church which is the next stop from southend central so the price for a train ticket was the same for both stations.  Legal issue was a problem as 3 of the kids could not be filmed for reasons. so we had to try not to film them or if we did we will have to edit them out. The finished product was good overall I though it showed of the youth group as what it is ( a fun place to be). I like the fact that the outside shots where in it as i thought it might be a bit to dark to see whats going on. The only thing i don't like was the fact that the writing was hard to read due to its colour blended into the background to much and their was no logo of the youth group in the video.  We got good feedback over from the client he thought it looked good but he don't like the fact their was no logo in it. The video is not on Facebook so we got no feed back from that and on youtube its got too little view and no comments so no feedback their. Overall i like the finished video as it looks good, we got free music and the kids we can't film were not in the video. however it does need the logo and readable text before it the client will be really happy with it.

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