Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Viral advert proposal

My Advert idea is on Terrace and Philip from South Park and their  spin off TV show  "With Out My Anus".  The advert has Terrace and Philip talking with the Canadian spinning in the background and Terrace farting. Terrace and Philip are the mean charters of the show and their Canadian thats why they are there and same for the flag.  They fart as thats what Terrance and Philip do fart and laugh about it all the time. These three elements show you what will be in the show.

I'll make this advert using after effects, final cut, sound track pro and photoshop.

I'll make Terrance and Philip in Photoshop so I can have them as different layers and i needed this to keyframe them to different positions other wise it won't work. I'll Need to keyframe them to different positions and after effects is the best software for this. Sound track pro will be used to match the sound to the advert and final cut will be used to add the sound to the video and to add voices to Terrance and Philip.

I don't have spend any money for this advert as i have all the software at home or college but if I don't have college to help me then ill need to spend £100+ on the software.

As this is an advert for a made up show it won't ever get paid for it .

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