Saturday, 26 April 2014

show layout


Door opens and shows the word "Come dine with me" with a white light behind it and the sound of laughter (come dine with me real opening). Then an evil laugh happens and a scream and the "Dine" becomes Die in blood. The white background becomes black with lighting flashing.

Previously-30s-1.30mins - I'm only filming episode 2 for the project.  so Ill have previously for the episode.

Narrator will recap the audience on the last time on the show, contestants and the prize which one of them will win, and the current scores. he also introduces you to the person cooking this Ep Hannibal Lecter.

Start of the show-1.30-3mins

Starts off with Hannibal talking about what meal he will make and the others contestants saying what they think he will make. The other contestants say people will be the meal for tonight. Hannibal then talks about how this recipe came to him. The starter is vegetarian soup surprise, main is roast surprise and dessert is cheese cake surprise. The other contestants then talk about what the surprise could be. Hannibal then talking about getting the ingredients.

Middle part of the show-3-5 mins

Hannibal talking about how he will make this dinner of to night( not the same house as before and dead body in the back ground, body gets smaller as the middle part goes on). Hannibal starts cooking and uses an arm to stir the soup. This part ends when he finishes the cooking and get changed.

The meal-5-9 mins

The other contestants enter the house over time and they all sit down at the table and talk and drink. The stater then come up and their all having fun and laughing as Dracula his a whole arm in his soup. After a while the main come up and  Jason has his put in a blender as he must drink it though a straw due to his mask. After this they talk and play a game of Cluedo which goes wrong but they all have a good laugh. They then have dessert and Jason drinks his again. During each part of the meal the other contestants talk about the what they all thought of the meal.

The End-9-10 mins
They contestants all leave and give Hannibal 10/10.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Hannibal Lecter screen writing 101 The Character tree

feet- what does the person look like?

Hannibal is a well dressed man (suit and tie), no hair.

Where do they live?

He lives is a Big white house in the middle of a town however he does not use his house often.

Where did they go to school?

He went to the school for Lecting in Leeds.

Do they have tattoos ? why?

No he doesn't like them as he believes they ruin the human body.

who is their best friend?

Will Gramham was his only friend before he killed him.

What is their occupation?


Groin and Guts- What does this person WANT?

have a human farm.

How does their sexuality manifest itself?

He finds love for the man and woman in no sexual way but as food.

what do they feel about the7 deadly sins.

He thinks it defies  you as a person on what does they focus towards and what ones they don't.

What about them is basic and puerile?

hannibal lectors likes making weird moments.

Heart- what does the person need?

He need a friends that he don't want to harm or kill.

What will make them a more functional person?

If he went and got mental help for his eating problem.

Do they need to find self-confidence?

yes and no- yes because he is all alone and need the confidence to find a friend and no as he does cook human to the police trying to catch him.

Do they need to provide for their family?

No hannibal is all alone in life.

Throat-how does this person sound?

posh, intelligent and northen

How do they project themselves?

posh, sarcastic.

How do they try to come off to other people?

Posh, sarcastic and intelligent.

How do they actually come off to other people?

arrogant , posh and Northern

Left cheek- what is their intelligence

He is very intelligence

How does it manifest itself?

In they way he talks and how he explains things.

how practical are they?

he is also very practical and can think on his feet.

How do they solve problems?

he solves most problems by misleading people away from him or the problem.

Right cheek- What is their artistic/creative capacity?

He is brilliant at cooking and hosting parties.

What elements are NOT practical?

The fact that he will get arrested one day.

What is their spirituality.

Not at all he think god is a waste of time and effort how religion goes make people do amazing things (painting)

Crown- Review your answers. Do they represent a consistent character psychology?

What are their defining memories?

his first kill and cannibalism, his first friend and only friend and their time from meeting  him  to kill him.

How in a nutshell, do they behave?

He is mentally unstable and killed his only friend. But he thinks he can help people as he is a therapist because of this he is in denial that something is wrong with him and covers that up by helping mental ill people.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Cost of shoot



 Hannibal wears a Blue suit with tie and boots.

The £47 from
Tie  £3 from
boots £47 from Charles Clinkard Shoes

However as the actor has the need items already, ill be fine for cost wise on Hannibal.

Jack Torrance  wears a red  jacket, checked suit, blue jeans and boots.

Jacket £40 from Asos
Shirt £10 from Primark
Boots £50 from Charles Clinkard Shoes
Jeans £20 from Primark

I got most of these things due to actors and friends having the items i need. I will need to get blue jeans however.

Dracula was a cape, black shoes, white shirt, black trousers and a purple waistcoat. He also has vampire teeth.

For £27.99 I can get the whole costume from All fancy dress.
I will need to buy the outfit

Jason Voorhess wears a hockey mask, torn jacket, black t-shirt, black jeans and boots.

For 27.99 I can get the whole costume from Buy for less online.
ill need to get this.

Zombie wears a torn up outfit.
£10 from charity shops.
I already have this outfit.

TOTAL : 75.99 it will cost me to get outfits that I need to Buy.

Jason Voorhees

Jack Torrance

Thursday, 3 April 2014

monster inc beat sheet

opening Image-
The opening image of monster Inc is doors opening and monster coming though them.
This shows what the films all about in the 1 min the title. 

Theme stated-

Henry is the CEO of monster inc. In this shot he is telling the audience why monster need to scare kids (energy).

Set up-
This image sets up the main location of the film( their work place monster inc)  and the two main characters Mike and
Sally who are at the front of the tv advert.


This part of the film mike has been told not to make his paper work late next time.

Debate- this part is when the monster enter the rooms to get energy 

Break into 2-  they find and enter boos door.

B- story- mike love life

fun and games- boo running around in the monster world

midpoint- randy give mike a time to hand back boo

bad guys close in- mike and sally go to henry to talk about boo

all is lost- boo is  captured by the villains

Dark night of the souls- Mike and Sally are left for dead in the Himalayas.

Break into 3- make and sally try to get back home

Finale- freeing boo and arresting the villain 

2nd sad point( most movie don't have this) - sally can't ever see boo again.

final image is sally relines to boo

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

colour finesse

 i changed the red green and blue gammer , pedestal and gain on colour finesse to get them to the top and bottom  of the scale so i can get the biggest range of colours possible.
i edited it on finesse. I made the red green and blue go too 100 and 0 so i can get the biggest range of  colours to edit footage.

i changed R,G and B and the gain pedestal and grammar.

nearly finished with the edit i just need to add a little more colour to her face to make her have more life. i got to this stage by changing the primarly colours. 

 I got to this stage by adding and removing gamma on the red only  this give off life to the woman.
i changed the R,Gand B to the top and bottom of the scale so i could used the biggest range of colour possible
to get to this image i changed the gain and grammar  to give the paper some life and a bigger range of colour used in the footage.