Name: Dracula
Race: vampire
Sex: male
Traits : drinks bloods, cape, vampire teeth, pale skin.
Parody traits: blood is red wine( alcoholic)
Name: Mr Zombie
Race: undead
Sex: Male
Traits: slow, eats brains, torn clothes.
Parody traits: only says the word BRAINS
Name: Jason Voorhees
Race: Unknown
Sex: male
Traits: hockey mask, Machete, jacket, friday the 13th.
Parody traits: does not eat or talk, drink throw a straw, kills people on the friday the 13.
Name: hannibal lecter
Race: human
Sex: male
Traits: great cook, eats people.
parody traits: His menu is all something surprise.
Name: Jack Torrance
Race: human
Sex: male
Traits: slowly gets crazy.
Parody traits: slowly gets crazy.
Come Die With Me is a parody of Come Dine With Me. The show will be 10 mins long and 4 eps. The
series starts off with the lot of them getting to know each other and having a good time but the zombie and Jack don't get a long with each other and this makes Jake slowly goes crazy and by the time its the fourth ep Jake loses his mind like in the movie the Shining. Dracula is in denial about being an alcoholic and with help form the others he starts to face his alcoholic problem. The series ends on Thursday as Jason is hosting Friday but don't do anything as its Friday the 13th and he's off killing people.
I'll film this in 4 different locations one for each night and use the same filming styles that they use in Come Dine With Me. This is so it looks exactly the same as the show and will make Come Die With Me funnier or suit what its meant parody.
The target audience for this show is both male and females age 16-30, horror fans, parody fans and cooking show fans but the main audience i would say will be fans of Come Dine With Me.
I will film 1 ep every 2 nights in the easter half term. The issues with is that it gives me a very small amount of time to get all the stuff ready to film ( location and actor booking, costumes and props). However, I will also have the advantage to re-film it if I need to this makes bad shots and footage more likely to get re-filmed and making the final edit look good.
I will make a advert (trailer) for Come Die With Me. I'll also try and make a 'making off video' as well.